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Lessons Learned on IPM’s Baldrige Journey

It was clear from the start that the Baldrige Journey would be challenging and rewarding for Integrated Project Management, Inc. (IPM). The organization weighed the risk of devoting time and resources to the multi-year effort against the ability to objectively assess its strategy development, business model, performance metrics, and more, and decided to dive in with both feet. Four and a half years later, IPM was named a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

IPM Founder, President, and CEO C. Richard Panico shared the benefits and lessons learned on IPM’s Baldrige journey in an essay for the Journal of Performance Excellence, which is published annually by the Baldrige Foundation.

“It is most important to understand and accept that it’s not about the award at all, but rather the opportunity to position the organization for continued, profitable growth,” Panico wrote. “Our Baldrige journey is not over despite the achievement of the award. We have embedded Baldrige continuous improvement methodologies into our business to continue to defy complacency.”

The essay also discusses what companies considering embarking on their own Baldrige journey should consider, from the need for leadership commitment and endurance to the rewards of identifying specific opportunities for improvement and establishing a model for continuous improvement.

For more about the Baldrige Award or to download the complete edition of the 2018-2019 Journal of Performance Excellence (pdf), visit the Baldrige Foundation.

Download Rich Panico’s essay, “Lessons Learned and Shared on IPM’s Baldrige Journey” (pdf).

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